How to Make Pour-Over Coffee Without a Scale?

How to Make Pour-Over Coffee Without a Scale? Best Method

A coffee scale is necessary to measure the coffee for your perfect cup. But what if you don’t have a scale or just want to learn a new trick to make pour-over coffee without a scale? Here is a quick guide on drip or pour-over coffee if that’s the case.

  1. Start by boiling water and allow it to cool for one minute. 
  2. Measure two tablespoons of ground coffee beans per cup and place them in the filter. 
  3. Pour the hot water slowly into the filter, making sure to wet all of the grounds evenly. 
  4. Steep for 3-4 minutes, and then enjoy your freshly brewed coffee.

I understand you need clarity for these quick steps. Therefore below, I’ve discussed all the steps to make pour-over coffee without a scale. So, let’s get down to the step-by-step guide. 

Please Remember!
If you don’t have measuring tablespoons, then you can also measure the quantity of your coffee with these two methods.

1. Take volume measurements by using a cup or tablespoon. 
2. Try to use weight measurements. You can weigh your coffee in ounces. 

Volume Measurement to Make Pour-Over Coffee

If you don’t have a tablespoon, you can still measure the coffee grounds and water ratio. 

This method’s best ratio for making pour-over coffee will be two tablespoons of ground coffee for one cup of water. If you want to make more than one cup of coffee, simply multiply these numbers by the coffee you want. 

Weight Measurement to Make Pour-Over Coffee

Another best method to measure the number of coffee grounds will be using a kitchen scale. The best ratio to make pour-over coffee with this method will be 16 grams of coffee grounds against one cup of water. 

Meanwhile, you can adjust the ratio depending on your drinking likes. If you want to make a strong coffee, you can increase the quantity of ground coffee. 

A Complete Guide on How to Make Pour Over Coffee Without a Scale?

How to Make Pour-Over Coffee Without a Scale?

What You Will Need

The first step in making pour-over coffee without a scale is getting all the necessary equipment together. Fortunately, the list is short; most people already have everything they need at home. 

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A pour-over brewer (such as a Hario V60 or Chemex)
  • Filter paper for your brewer
  • Ground Coffee Beans
  • Hot Water (195-205°F)
  • A timer/stopwatch/phone app with a timer function

How To Make Pour Over Coffee Without a Scale?

Step 01: Preheat your cup and filter paper by pouring hot water through them until they are both warm. Discard the water afterward. Place your brewer on top of your mug or carafe.

Step 02: Add two tablespoons of ground coffee per 6 ounces of water into your brewer. This ratio may vary depending on how strong you like your coffee, but it’s a good starting point if you don’t have access to a scale.

Step 03: Once you have added the grounds, start your timer and slowly pour hot water into the center of the grounds in a small circle.   

Ensure that all the grounds are evenly saturated, so they don’t clump together during brewing. Allow it to steep for 3 minutes before continuing to step 4.

Step 4: After the 3 minutes, pour small circles around the outside edge until you add all the water. Allow it to steep for another 2 minutes before continuing to step 5.

Step 5: Once two minutes have passed, pour small circles around the sides and center.

Allow it to steep for another 1 minute before discarding any remaining grounds in your filter paper and removing it from your mug or carafe. 

Congratulations! Your pour-over coffee is now ready to enjoy.

Watch This Video: How to Make Pour-Over Coffee Without a Scale?

Safety Precautions While Making Pour Over Coffee Without a Scale

Making pour-over coffee at home without a scale can be a great way to experience the nuances of different beans and create an aromatic cup every time. However, making it with a scale is safe, especially regarding safety. 

Therefore, you must take some safety precautions to ensure your safety while making pour-over coffee without a scale. 

  • You should continuously monitor the water temperature as pouring water. Coffee grounds can cause splashback accidents and burns if the water is too hot. 
  • When stirring the coffee, use long-handled spoons, and don’t lean forward too much, or you might burn yourself. 
  • Monitor the timer and how much water you pour each cycle.
  • Make sure your ground coffee beans are fresh and properly brewed. 
  • Make sure there are no kids around the hot kettle. 
  • Use the new filter for a better filtration process. 

Different Ways to Measure Coffee Without a Scale

The Spoon Method

One easy way to measure your coffee is by using spoons. A tablespoon equals around 7-9 grams of ground coffee beans, depending on how densely packed it is. 

To use this method, ensure you use level tablespoons, not heaping or rounded ones. Try to use a tablespoon with measurement lines (1/2, 1/3, etc.). These are even more accurate than standard tablespoons. 

An 8-ounce cup of coffee usually requires two to three tablespoons of grounds, depending on the strength of the brew and the type of beans used.

The Cup Method

Another way to measure your coffee is by using cups instead of spoons or scales as units of measurement. A single cup in this context equals 8 ounces of water and two tablespoons of ground beans. 

Though it may vary slightly depending on the type and size of the bean used and personal preference regarding brew strength.

To use this method, simply fill up your desired number of cups with water. Add two tablespoons per cup for each scoop of ground beans needed for your recipe. 

This method works best with whole beans rather than pre-ground varieties since it can be challenging to accurately measure pre-ground beans in cups.


With these methods, anyone can easily measure their desired amount without any special equipment or advanced knowledge about brewing techniques. Whether you use spoons or cups, following our tips will help ensure that you get just the right amount of coffee every time. 

If you’ve made the pour-over coffee after following this method, tell us in the comment box how your experience was. Also, if you cannot make your first pour over a coffee cup without a scale, tell us what problems you faced. 

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