How To Use Reusable K-Cups

How To Use Reusable K-Cups? 6 Best Methods

Are you one of the people that avoid plastic use? Or you are the one who is tired of buying k cups again and again to brew the coffee.

If yes, welcome to the solution to your problem.  A reusable K cup is the best option for you to choose from. Reusable k cups are the best alternative to disposable plastic cups.

So, how to use reusable K-cups? For this purpose, you just need to learn and follow some simple steps. Following are the steps to follow:

  • Remove the adaptor 
  • Remove the lid 
  • Fill the reusable k cup
  • Start brewing process
  • Clean the reusable K cup before using it again

In this article, we will help you learn all the steps one by one. So, without any further ado, let’s get straight into the article

What Are Reusable K-Cups?

Before we learn the use of k cups. Let us discuss what are these reusable k cups. Reusable k cups are coffee cups made up of durable material.

These cups can be used and washed many times. The use of a K-cup is an amazing way to save money, reduce environmental pollution (due to waste), and have a clean environment.

 A single reusable k cup can hold 17 grams of coffee. You can enjoy 6-ounce to 16-ounce coffee wherever you need if you use a reusable k cup.

Moreover, reusable k cups are the best option to use instead of using disposable coffee cups.

How To Use Reusable K-Cups: Step By Step Guide

How To Use Reusable K-Cups

Here we are going to give step by step guide to using the reusable k cup. Following are the steps to follow 

Remove The Adapter 

Firstly, you need to pull out the holder. For this purpose grab the holder tightly with the thumb and your index finger. 

Grab the holder and lift the lid of the Kuring coffee machine simultaneously. Now pull the holder and pop it out. Keep it in a safe place so you can get it when need to fix it back.

Remove The Lid Of Your Reusable K Cup

Once you have removed the adapter or holder of the K cup it’s time to remove the lid of your reusable k cup. 

To remove the lid simply move the lid counterclockwise and remove the lid of your reusable coffee cup. After removing the lid also remove the filter present inside the filter holder of the K cup. 

Fill The Reusable K Cup With The Ground Coffee

Take some well-grinded coffee and make sure that the ground coffee doesn’t have any particles. Because it can ruin the process and the taste of your coffee. 

Now take a clean reusable K Cup and a tablespoon. Gradually add the ground coffee into the reusable K Cup holder. Fill the ¾ Part of the Cup holder.

 Then put the mesh filter basket back into the k cup filter holder. Never pack the coffee grounds tightly. Because it will block the way water passes and cause blockage. 

This blockage can lead the coffee ground back to the needle and create a blockage in the needle. So unluckily, you would need to clean the needle to end the blockage. 

Watch Video To Use Reusable K-Cups | For Better Idea

Place The Lid Back

Put the lid of your reusable k cup back into the cup. Then move the lid clockwise to lock onto the cup. Now, it’s time to adjust the holder of your reusable K Cup into the Kuerig coffee maker. 

While using any classic Keurig coffee maker note the error. The error of the lid should match the error on the machine.

Start Brewing Process

Finally, it’s time to grab your cup to have hot brewed coffee. Place your desired size of the cup on the drip tray.

Lower the handle of the Keurig coffee maker to take the brewed coffee. Press the brewed button and enjoy the coffee. 

Clean The Reusable K Cup Before Using It Again 

Now, Clean and prepare your reusable k cup for your next coffee Cup. Pull out the reusable K Cup from the coffee maker and remove the coffee debris.

Cleaning of reusable K Cups is very important because it can save the cup for a long time. In this way, you can use the cup many times and for a little longer.

Benefits Of Using The Reusable K-Cups

Benefits: How To Use Reusable K-Cups

Tasty coffee

Keurig coffee maker adds more taste to the coffee on its own. But sometimes the disposable K cups can ruin the taste of your coffee.

In such cases, a reusable  K cup made up of durable material can give you a delicious cup of tea at any time. The finely grounded coffee also adds some amazing taste to the coffee

Environmental Friendly 

The reusable K Cups are more environmentally friendly due to their durable material. It helps to reduce plastic waste and decrease pollution.

Due to the reusable quality of the K Cups, you can save money. And the BPA holder of their reusable K Cups is safe to use.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do reusable K Cups work?

Reusable K cups work just like other disposable cups. The filters of the k cups are used to brew the coffee into the cup. The reusable k cups also work as a coffee pot or coffee maker.

Can I use My coffee in a reusable k cup?

Definitely, you can use your own coffee in a reusable k cup. The main concern is to use finely ground coffee. You can use any type of coffee but make sure that the coffee is perfectly grounded.


Reusable K cups are made of durable material instead of plastic which makes them environmentally friendly. 

These Cups are easy to use and less expensive than disposable cups. We have discussed all the steps to use the K cups above in the article.

Hope you enjoyed reading the article and that now you know how to use reusable K cups.

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Coffee Makers
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